*Physical quantities

*Physical quantities

Quantity (symbol) Definition / Relation Type
Mass (m) Quantity of matter contained in a substance Scalar
Distance (D) Actual path length Scalar
Speed (v) Distance covered per unit time spent Scalar
Time (t) Reference to measure duration of an event. Scalar
Electric current (I) Rate of flow of charge. Scalar
Pressure (P) Normal force per unit area Scalar
Surface tension (S) Tangential force per unit length Scalar
Work (W) Line integral of force Scalar
Power (P) Rate of work Scalar
Energy (E) Capacity to do work Scalar
Heat (H) Energy in transit due to temperature difference Scalar
Electric potential (V) Line integral of electric field Scalar
Electric flux (f) Surface integral of electric field Scalar
Specific heat (s) Heat per unit temp. change per unit mass Scalar
Latent heat (L) Heat per unit mass for changing state of a material Scalar
Temperature (T) Degree of hotness or coldness Scalar
Electric charge (q) Measure of amount of electrification Scalar
Density (r) Mass per unit volume Scalar
Moment of inertia (I) Reluctance for rotational changes Scalar


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