*Quantities having same dimensions

*Quantities having same dimensions

Momentum, impulse. [MLT – 1]
Surface tension, spring constant. [MT – 2]
Latent heat, gravitational potential. [L2  T – 2]
Gravity, gravitational field intensity. [LT – 2]
Angular momentum, Planck’s constant. [ML2  T – 1]
Solar constant, pointing vector & wave intensity. [MT – 3]
Frequency, angular frequency, velocity gradient, decay constant. [T – 1]
Thermal capacity, gas constant, Boltzmann constant and entropy. [ML2 T – 2 K – 1]
Length, breadth, height, distance, displacement, radius of gyration & wavelength. [L]
Work, torque (or moment of force), Energy of any kind e.g. internal, potential, kinetic, heat etc. [ML2 T – 2]
Pressure, stress, elasticity of any kind e.g., Young’s, bulk’s, modulus of rigidity, energy density. [MLT – 2]
Strain, refractive index, relative density, angle, solid angle, dielectric constant, relative permeability. [M0 L0  T0]
Energy gradient, force of any kind e.g. gravitational (weight), EM (upthrust, friction) nuclear etc. [MLT – 2]
Momentum, impulse. [MLT – 1]
Surface tension, spring constant. [MT – 2]
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