*Average speed

*Average speed

Speed between two instants is called average. Mathematically it is measured as the total distance covered per unit time spent. It is scalar & always positive.

i.e. Average speed

  1. For a given time interval average velocity is single valued while average speed can have values depending upon path followed.
  2. Average velocity & average speed are equal only for motion along a straight line with no reversal.
  3. The average speed can never be – ve or zero while average velocity can be.
  4.  If a particle travels distances x1 , x2 & x3 with speeds v1 , v2 & vduring time intervals t1, t2 & t3 respectively, then its average speed is    If x= x= x3, then this relation becomes harmonic mean of individual speeds.                                                                                                                                                                      Also if t1 = t2 = t3, then the average speed is be given by Arithmetic mean of individual speeds.                       
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