^Factors deciding flux

Factors deciding flux

Electric flux depends only upon

(a) the number of charges enclosed by Gaussian surface

(b) nature of charges enclosed by Gaussian surface

(c) nature of the medium. & is independent of

(d) size of surface

(e) distance between charges inside the surface

(f) distribution of charges.

Diagram explains that the net electric flux through each surface is the same irrespective of the shapes of the closed surfaces surrounding a charge q.

Diagram explains that the no net flux is linked with the closed surface if a point charge is located outside a closed surface as in this case the number of lines entering the surface equals the number leaving the surface.

Diagram explains that the net electric flux through any closed surface depends only on the charge inside that surface. The net flux through surface SA is q1/e0, the net flux through surface SB is and net flux through surface SC is zero.

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