Entries by kp-web-admin

^θ without δ

^θ without δ Under this condition Such a combination is called a direct vision prism. The required condition is

^Dispersive power

^Dispersive power It is independent of A but depends upon nature μmaterial. From a single prism it is not possible to get deviation without dispersion, or to get dispersion without deviation, however the two or more be combined in such a way that a white ray of light it may undergo: (a) Dispersion without deviation […]

^Small angle deviation

^Small angle deviation δ = A (μ – 1) δ depends on i, A, μprism, μmedium, The cause of dispersion is that the speeds of different colours of light in a transparent medium are different. Also as μv > μr thus δv > δr   i.e. the angles of deviation for different colours are different. It […]

^Maximum deviation

^Maximum deviation A prism shows maximum deviation when incidence angle is maximum i.e. 900, also then δmax. = 900 + e – A r1 = C e = sin–1 [μ sin (A – C)]

^Minimum deviation

^Minimum deviation If a light ray is incident at an angle then it shows minimum deviation, also then 1. 2. Refracted ray travels parallel to base of the prism if  the prism is equilateral 3. δmin.  = 2 i – A = 2 i – 2 r = 2 α 4. An equilateral prism (i.e. […]

^Deviation of the emergent ray

^Deviation of the emergent ray Incident ray deviates clockwise towards the base at first face by amount δ1 (= i1 – r1) & then again  deviates clockwise towards the base at second face by amount δ2 (= r2 – i2), thus the total deviation of the prism sum of δ1 & δ2 . Also from […]


^Prism Prism angle A is also called refracting angle & not angle of refraction. A light ray DE in incident on the first face AB of a prism ABC at an incidence angle i1. The refracted ray EF bends towards the base BC of the prism has a refraction angle r1 & strikes the second […]

^Critical angle

^Critical angle It is that angle of incidence (i = C) at which a ray going from denser to rare medium shows grazing emergence (r = 900).

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